Weber Laser Watch
Weber Laser Watch


  • Back
    6 red diodes (650 nm)
    4 green diodes (532 nm)

  • Laser Pad
    12 red diodes

  • Nose Applicator
    2 red diodes

  • Ear Applicator
    2 red diodes

Weber Laser Watch

  • Weight: 2.65 lb
  • Vendor: Autel
  • Availability: Available



About the Laser Watch

The Laser Watch is an innovative 3-in-1 device that uses the latest research findings in the field of Low-Level Laser Therapy.

It combines acupuncture, local pain therapy and external blood irradiation and becomes your ideal companion, whether at home, at work or on the go. The Watch comes with a pad for area irradiation (pain management), an ear applicator (e.g. tinnitus) and a nasal applicator (rhinitis, allergies, etc.).

All advantages at a glance

  • High wearing comfort
  • Easy handling
  • Multifunctional use
  • Little time required: Immediate and verifiable effects within just a few minutes (wear 1-2 times/day for aprox. 30-60 min.)
  • No side effects

Photodynamic Effects

While UltraCur+Pro (Curcumin) develops photodynamic effects in combination with blue light, PhotoActive+ (Phycocyanin+Chlorophyllin) is stimulated by blue, red and yellow light.

Yellow light stimulates one of the strongest natural photosensitizers, hypericin (from St. John's wort), and can therefore be applied very successfully in photodynamic therapy.

In combination with hypericin (natural antidepressant) yellow light is also highly effective in the treatment of depression and viral or chronic bacterial infections.

Two models: Active+ and Regenerate+

The Laser Watches Active+ and Regenerate+ are the new developments of weber medical. Instead of utilizing red laser only, the latest generation now also emits green light, resp. blue and yellow light in order to activate regeneration processes by stimulating the different complexes of the mitochondrial respiratory chain and other cellular components.

Red Light

The red laser is well-known for its ability to enhance cell activity and microcirculation. Furthermore, it activates the immune system by stimulating different leukocyte groups.

Fight stress and fatigue

e wrist diodes are designed to directly irradiate and stimulate the acupuncture points that calm nerves and heart rhythm and contribute to muscle relaxation.

The laser light causes an increased production of the hormone melatonin. Melatonin regulates our circadian clock and thus controls the sleep-wake cycle of our body. An increased amount of melatonin helps you to sleep better and more relaxed. It can even prevent jet lag after long flights.

Activate metabolism: Lower blood pressure and improve blood flow

The laser light activates various enzymes and increases the amount of oxygen in the blood. It boosts metabolism and enhances the process of lipid peroxidation to reduce the amount of cholesterol in the vessels.

Relieve tensions with the laser pad

Red laser light unfolds its analgesic, anti- inflammatory and reparative effects deep within the tissue layers where it triggers a variety of biochemical reactions:

  • Blood vessels widen and consequently allow better oxygen transport and blood flow
  • Stimulation of mitochondrial metabolism
  • ATP synthesis increases
  • Stabilization of cell membranes

Blue Light

Red laser light stimulates the last complex of the mitochondrial respiratory chain (cytochrome C oxidase), whereas blue light stimulates the first complex of the respiratory chain (NADH dehydrogenase).

    Blue light has the following effects:
  • Anti-inflammatory effects
  • Enhances NO production
  • Activates telomerase (Anti-Aging!)

By increasing the activity of fibroblasts, blue light optimizes wound healing and improves the oxygen utilization in the tissue. If you suffer from impure skin, utilize the pad to feel the antibacterial effects of blue light.


Yellow Light

Yellow light promotes serotonin and vitamin D metabolism. Vitamin D – the "sunshine vitamin" and “sun hormone” is essential for bones, connective tissue and the immune system. It helps to protect against infections and regulates our metabolism and hormone system.

Serotonin, our ”happiness hormone”, is involved in the regulation of numerous body processes. When binding to certain receptors, it affects the contraction of blood vessels in the cardiovascular system.

It also regulates our intestinal movements. Without serotonin, we are mentally labile. The Laser Watch has shown to increase the serotonin level in the blood and thus lightens the mood and boosts vitality. Yellow light stimulates the mitochondrial respiratory chain at complex III (cytochrome c reductase) and acts strongly detoxifying and anti-depressive.


Green Light

Green light binds to hemoglobin, the ferrous blood compound in the red blood cells. It improves the function, behaviour and cell elasticity of those cells as well as the oxygen supply.

    Other effects:
  • Improved oxygen affinity
  • Decreases in lactic acid
  • Reduces blood viscosity
  • Improves blood flow
  • Activates reparative and stabilizing pathways

Just as yellow light, green light stimulates complex III of the mitochondrial respiratory chain (cytochrome c reductase).

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